BODY Institute Update: November 2023
We are excited to share some of the highlights of our work at the BODY Institute, where we aim to bring reconciliation, liberation, and transformation to individuals and communities through the power of God’s love.
Reconciliation: From Disunity to Unity
By the end of November, we plan to successfully complete our pilot phase of six conversations on the Ministry of Reconciliation in Charlotte, NC. These conversations are designed to help participants move from a state of disunity to a state of unity with God and one another. We are grateful for the feedback and insights we received from our pilot group, and we are working on revising and improving our curriculum. Starting from January 2024, we will be offering and facilitating the Ministry of Reconciliation Conversations with families, churches, ministries, neighborhoods, and schools in the Wilmington, NC and Charlotte, NC areas.
Liberation: From Dormancy to Discovering and Releasing Spiritual Gifts
We are also preparing to launch our pilot phase of the Ministry of Liberation Conversations in January 2024. These conversations will help participants discover and release their spiritual gifts in love and service to others. We believe that God has given each person unique gifts and talents to bless the world, and we want to help them unleash their potential and passion.
Transformation: From Disorder to Deploying L.I.F.E. Teams to Meet Needs and Link Resources
Finally, we are also planning to start our pilot phase of the Ministry of Transformation Conversations in March-April 2024. These conversations will equip participants to form and deploy L.I.F.E. Teams, which stands for Lifestyle Health, Inside Health, Finance and Housing Health, and Education and Employment Health. These teams will identify needs and link resources to hurting individuals and families in churches, ministries, neighborhoods, and schools. We believe that God has called us to be His hands and feet in the world, and we want to help people experience His love and grace in tangible ways.