Let ONEness Ring!

MLK Day Zoom Conversation

In acknowledgement and deep appreciation of the peacemaker, the preacher, and the prophet, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the BODY Institute will be holding a zoom conversation on MLK Day, Monday, January 15, 2024 centered around Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. 's Sermon, Paul's Letter to American Christians. In this conversation, we will be introducing and discussing this 1956 sermon as well as our MLK inspired theme for 2024- “Let Oneness Ring”! Together, if we let our Oneness Ring- loud enough to crumble the walls of division built before us- then, only then, will our Freedom Ring in greater and more beautiful manifestations in the lives of people!

Sign up for event below

Martin Luther King Day Zoom Conversation - 1/15/2024, 12:00pm - 1:30pm


Ministers of Reconciliation Training


BODY Institute Update: November 2023